
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tower of God Vol2 Ch47 (127): Ambush and Devils of the right hand


At the beginning of the chapter, Koon gets suddenly ambushed - something pierces his heart.

Scene changes to Xiaxia lighthouse, where Viole is visiting her for information. He apparently asked about Horyang and she tells her that he stopped there before. Viole also finds out that some black-haired big guy also came looking for the Devil of the right hand, who is the person in the picture. She tells Viole that they went to Arlene's hand.

And finally, we get to Arlene's hand where Horyang (or Beniamino Ilmar), Beniamino Cassano and Koon's allies are going to start fighting.

We get some sweet eye candy here when Cassano attacks Ran and dodges Novick's attack. Cassano introduces himself (as Venimiano Cassano, in the scan that I'm reading) as the Devil of the Right Hand even though he uses his left hand.

Final scene changes back to Koon: after he's attacked someone snake-like person raises from the sand while Koon's still lying on the ground. Ambusher speaks to himself and reveals that he had been collecting a bounty and falls into a scheme of Koon: he "wakes up" and asks who sent him.

Koon was apparently saved by his armor and thinks that maybe his father gave it to him. He's not sure. Fight between the assassin and Koon begins and unfortunately the chapter ends here.

Comments and predictions:

It was a good chapter and I enjoyed the eye candy that we got regarding Cassano, Rand and Novick. We got couple of pointers here, which may affect storyline to come: Why is Koon targeted, who wants his head? I can't but to wonder who's got so much grudge against him so that they would put a bounty up for him.

The another "pointer" is more like a prediction, I think that Koon overpowers the snake guy, then finally arrives at the same time with Baam at the Arlene's hand. Koon may not recognize him at first, but I think this could be a suitable time for a meeting for two of them. If this happens I can't but to praise SIU (Slave in Utero), since I though that this could be sort of "filler" arc before the workshop battle, but this kind of important meeting between two main characters of the story after many years is intriguing.

It can't be helped: unfortunately we have to wait for the chapters to come,

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