
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Deadman wonderland Review: Deadly Themepark

This series is about a boy named Ganta Igarashi whose class gets attacked during school day And heis the only one who survives the attack. The attacker seems to plant something to this him, Ganta passes out and finally wakes up in special prison looking like a theme park. This prison truly is special, a collar is put on the prisoners that follows their every move and vitality signs.

Our main character is unfortunately sentenced to death and has a couple of conditions to his way of living there. One of the conditions is that they have poison injected all the time in them and the only way to neutralize this poison is to eat medicine that looks like candy every couple of days. These candies can be bought with cast points. Cast points work as currency in this prison and they can be obtained through various sets of tasks. At some point Ganta finds out that he can manipulate his own blood and conveniently the prison is having sort of a fighting championships where prisoners fight each others for VIP guests to enjoy. What brings it's own sauce  to this series is that the attacker who killed Gantas all classroom friends is revealod to be somehow linked that this prison.

Art of Deadman Wonderland is good, sometimes it can even be described as very good: in the battles the series has a good flow and everything else also falls in the place nicely along with them. It's very obvious that the author doesn't slack when it comes to the art even though some of the important bits in the heat of battle seem to have been left out for the "impact" which actually is done by most of the series.

As for the characters, it does have couple of enjoyable ones. The main character however is once again such a pussy that it's hard to like him at first, but there's some character development regarding that. The series' character side is 'saved' by a bit better side characters that manage to salvage what's left of it. What is really good at the character side of this manga is that everyone may not be as they look like, but that falls a bit too much to the story category..

The Story is really the one thing that really gets the readers addicted to this series': it has such a unique setting with interesting twists that even though some of the characters don't add up for the readers it's still a must read as long as there are chapters to read. Deadman Wonderland is pretty much story driven manga and in my opinon it doesn't fall short compared to similar mangas to it: even though it may look a bit shallow at first but trust me, it's a lot more than that.

What I liked about this series is that it has pretty unique starting point. The prison is fascinating place and it keeps reader intrigued pretty well. The mystery part related to red man is kind of this mangas soul and that thing that keeps reader turning pages. Deadman Wonderland has sort of power up element to it which many readers may find interesting. Deadman wonderland also has anime adaptation of 12 episodes.

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