
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gantz Review, blood and flying bodyparts

Gantz is about a boy named Kurono Kei. In the beginning of the story he falls in front of a train trying to save a man and dies by being run over. After that he wakes up in a room where there is a weird big ball and a bunch of other people. Soon the ball tells them that their lives have ended. The weird black ball (which has a man inside!) gives them a target, suit and a lots of weapons. Now the plot is starting to make a bit sense, but questions still remain. Shortly after that they are transferred to an unknown, deserted city: obviously they have to hunt down the target.

Art of Gantz is brutal. It has maybe the most graphic content I have ever seen in any manga. This is also what makes Gantz so unique and interesting. It's pretty simple, Gantz has something that others don't and it's plot is one of the better ones. Art is very good and detailed and as I said before you will be seeing a lots of blood, flying body parts and severed heads.If you've read all the chapters released so far you will most likely have seen all the possible ways to die for a human.

Characters are pretty likeable in the series and it tends to show the darker side of the people, which is understandable regarding the nature of the story. Main character as well as side characters are pretty well designed and differ from each other just enough. Gantz has also managed to put up some interesting character development and development in the span of several hundred chapters so that certainly deserves some praise.

As for the story I think it really depends on the reader whether it's important or not. Some people may be interested in the brutal aspect of the story, but I have to admit that it has it's good sides as well. There are enough mysteries present as why does everything actually happen and why are the people being sent to fight against powerful aliens and that is what interested me enough to prowl through hundreds of chapters.

All in all Gantz is a very good read if you want something with mystery and blood (and some sex).It's been like a couple of years but I still remember how I liked for once that I had not enocountered anything as graphical before so it was sort of a new experience for me. I could say that Gantz is essentially succeeding in every part that I evaluate in my reviews, so I could say that it's certainly recommended if you are not afraid of some brutal content.

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