
Monday, February 11, 2013

Tower of God Chapter 131 (vol 2 ch 51): Traitors of FUG


Koon and Baam finally had managed to meet, but the crazy psycho bitch XiaXia managed to ruin everything. I can't even predict whether or not Koon is alive since the author SIU is such a troll that I can't really say. Of course I hope that Koon is alive, but only time will tell.. maybe he will make a Baam-like appearance on higher floor after being in the shadows for several years.. maybe having some injuries like missing a hand from the explosion or having some scars on his face.

It's interesting to see what Baam will do now - it's obvious that this will affect him in some way, maybe he will figure out a plan to take revenge on FUG or something like that. Yeah, I would like that.

Then there's the traitors inside Koon's team, which didn't come to me as a surprise, it was obvious that this trap wasn't something that happened by accident, so it was only natural for the traitors to be in the team. However their relationship with Rachel remains a mystery to me now. It's also sad that Dan had to meet his end, since he was a interesting character in my opinion.

-The hand or Arlene if exploding, Baam yells for Mr. Koon that it's a trap.

-It seems that Baam is being contained inside a boulder

-Koon finally recognizes Baam and then the whole hand of arlene explodes.

-Koon's team members Apple and Michael are revealed as traitors belonging to FUG. Edin dan is on the ground tied up.

-Apple and Michael were ordered to infiltrate Koon's team and kill him. They were behind the whole trap at Hand of Arlene.

-Rachel comes inside saying that they should let Edin Dan live. She says to Dan that they should climb the tower together.

-Dan rejects her and Rachel then kills him.

-At the ruins of Hand of Arlene Baam, Novick and Ran are alive: Baam is devastated because of the death of Koon.

28F Demon of the Right arm finished.

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