
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hungry Joker, interesting new manga

Read my (improved) review here

After reading the first chapter of Hungry Joker I have to admit that it's pretty interesting. Story beginning is a bit messy but it manages to keep me intrigued through out all 52 pages. What I find great about the first impression is that it feels like it really doesn't underestimate readers. That's sort of a rare quality in new mangas nowadays.

The story begins with a strange glowing body appearing in midtown. After that we are quickly getting familiar with this storys protagonist: young scientist slash doctor who has kind of a odd but interesting personality. Long chapter short: The first chapter shows us weird protagonist, cliche sidekick, glimpses of this series antagonist and a couple of mysteries including this black apple which origins no one knows of. I'll be reading this one some more before making any more conclusions.

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