
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One Piece 706 Spoilers is Out!!

Credit: Nja
Special Thanks to: Mangareader

ONEPIECE 第706話 お前を笑わない




ONE PIECE Chapter 706 Spoiler: I won’t laugh at you

Bartolomeo – 150million berry
Face looks like a beast
voted number 1 in the “Pirate who is wished to be gone”.
(I guess he’s not very popular lol)

Bellamy – 195million berry

Bellamy knew about Luffy, and he went to a Sky Island and got a pillar of gold from there to give to Doflamingo.
His motive isn’t the Mera Mera fruit, he simply wants to be on Dofla’s ship as a crew.
Bartolomeo and Bellamy are both in block B

Trans: Aohige
第706話 お前を笑わない 
扉絵 カリブーが燃えている取り残された婆の家に行き 婆をみつける 壱枚の写真がある
バルトロメオは残忍 海賊たちの串焼き映像配信 市民への砲撃事件etc・・・・ 
観客からのブーイングに対し何かを投げた 観客は爆弾だといい避難するがオナラ爆弾だった
ベラミーは空島から持ってきた黄金の柱をドフラに渡し忠誠を誓った  それ以降 ドレスローザを野蛮な海賊 の王国と嘲る諸国の町々を容赦なく破壊してきたよう
ルフィに気付き話しかけるベラミー 仲間を失ったが空島に行って来たという
ドフラはルフィをもう笑わない ドフラの船に乗るといいステージへ ベラミーは優勝すれば幹部へと昇進す るらしい
CブロックとDブロックの有力選手紹介で2ページどれも曲者っぽい見た目 レベッカとキャベンデイッシュは Dブロック
Bブロックスタート  中華っぽい連中が手を組み面倒なのから潰すと言う  まずはベラミーから という
Onepiece Chapter 706: I won’t laugh at you
cover: Caribou goes back to the burning hosue of the grandma, and find her and a single photograph..
Bartolomeo is known for cruelty.
An image of pirates impaled and roasted are shown, as well as him firing cannons at civilians..
The crowd boos at him, and he throws something at them. They run thinking it’s a bomb, but it’s actually a fart bomb.
Block B is Bellamy and Bartolomeo
Bellamy brought the golden pillar from the Sky Island to presnet to Dofla, and swear allegeance.
He then proceeded to wage battles on near by nations that mock Dressrosa as barbaric nation of pirates.
He wrecked many cities in other nations, earning his infamy.
Bellamy notices Luffy, and approaches him.
He tells Luffy that lost his crew, but he went to Sky Islands.
Luffy warns him you didn’t hurt anyone up there did you? To which Bellamy just laughs.
Bellamy tells him that Doflamingo he won’t laugh at Luffy anymore.
He tells him he’s going to be on Dofla’s ship, then heads to the battle.
Apparently he was promised crew officer position if he wins this tournament.
Then two pages showing promising candidates for Block C and D.
Rebecca and Cavendish are both Block D.
Block B starts, the Chinese looking men join forces with others to take out especially troublesome targets… Bellamy is their first target.
Bartolomeo doesn’t agree with their methods, he says that goes agaisnt the whole point of a Battle Royal.
(The summary just say Sky islands and not Skypea, although it probably is)
Edit: T’s correction: Bellamy won’t laugh at Luffy anymore, not Dofla.
End of One Piece Chapter 706

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