A pretty good Toriko chapter, it seems that the author is taking sort of a new approach to this whole "war" that is going on by not focusing on one character at a time, but focusing one character one chapter at a time. I think that it brings us some variation and avoids the sense of boredom of watching the same characters week after week. It's still a bit too early to say how it will turn out, but in my opinion this kind of way of doing things might as well work out.
This essentially means that there's no way of knowing who is going to be in the spotlight in the next weeks chapter.
As for the chapter itself it was pretty good, the author went as usually a bit overboard with the Satan Hair's capability, but I found it amusing nonetheless. It was indeed a great skill which seemed to turn the tables pretty quickly. I honestly though that the huge clawed bug would be a bit of a problem for him, but instead that he just devoured it instantly. It seems that that kind of power doesn't come without some problems, since Sani was about to lose his consciousness while doing it.
It wonder if we'll get to see either Zebra or Mansam next week. There's so much stuff going on that it's hard to keep books who's doing what, but that's thankfully the authors job to decide what's best for us.
Recap of Toriko Chapter 225: Awakening
-Tommyrod vs. Sani
-Sani destroys all of the level 80 bugs surrounding him with a Super Fry Gaeshi, his learned intuition helps him a lot to attack their vital spots precisely
-Tommyrod spawns a Sticky beast bug with level 90, but its adhesive gas gets countered by Sani making a tornado with his hair
-Tommyrods huge bug with huge claws however cuts some of Sanis hair, for Sani it feels like getting pulled his teeth out without anesthetic.
-Sani uses his newly acquired skill, Satan Hair, which with the help of Gourmet Cells makes his strands have Appetite, which are able to devour enemies.
-Sanis Satan Hair eats the huge claw bug instantly and then Tommyrod decides to fight against Sani by himself.
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