One day Ageha Yoshina answers to a pay phone, finds a calling card with name "Psyren" on it and begins the journey of his life. Whole consept of "Psyren" reveals to be an urban myth, but eventually after couple turns of events Ageha will be sucked into a weird world.
As you can see, art of Pysren is pretty good, however at the beginning it can be described as decent. It tends to be that as these series that are over hundred chapters long improve their art quality as the time goes on. I could say that Psyrens art had somewhat unique feeling to it and in my opinion the author did manage to use contrasts to his advantage. Psyren will always stay on my mind as a manga that gave somewhat new epiphanies in the battles that was shown us in form of good art.
Characters of Psyren is one of it's good sides: it doesn't have a protagonist that is a total pussy, but a man who doesn't know what he does but is willing to know more. There are a lot of enjoyable side characters, but the best thing is that it doesn't fall into the pit with the main character. The villains in this manga surely deserve some praise, they manage to be everything (especially the main villain) that makes up a good bad guy: they are mysterious, powerful and have a plan that isn't revealed to be retarded in the first couple of chapters.
Story of Psyren can be considered as it's best side, since it actually is one of those that you want to know more of when you begin reading. There are plot twists that intrigue the reader and the pace is pretty good: it doesn't drag itself. Psyren as a series however isn't long, but I see that as a strength since the author knew when it wouldn't be a good idea to unnecessarily lengthen the story, but put stop to it when it was time to do so. I remember when I first read Psyren I wasn't impressed by the first couple of chapters, but pretty quickly the story managed to offer me something that kept me going and eventually made me enjoy the series more than I could have imagined.
This series consists of super powers, interesting villains, decent protagonists, good plot developments and truly intriguing mysteries. There's not a lot to say about better than average story - you have to read it, experience it and enjoy it. Psyren wasn't too long and that's a very big plus as it held my attention very well until the end. That basically means that the author didn't resort to milking the last out of the series but gave it a ending without prolonging it too much. Psyren truly is a hidden gem.
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