
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lady Oscar, il gaiden dell'Anniversary Book verrà ripubblicato su Margaret

Lady Oscar, il gaiden dell'Anniversary Book verrà ripubblicato su Margaret

Margaret Anniversary Book Lady Oscar

Vi ricordate del gaiden di Lady Oscar (Versailles no bara) regalato insieme all’edizione speciale del cinquantenario di Margaret? Ebbene, adesso verrà ripubblicato.

La storia nasce con la decisione di festeggiare il cinquantenario della rivista Margaret. Per l’occasione era stata pubblicata una versione speciale del magazine corredata con una speciale one-shot story di Lady Oscar, dedicata ad André prima che conoscesse Lady Oscar. Come era facilmente prevedibile, questo ritorno inaspettato di Lady Oscar ha entusiasmato così tanto i lettori che questo gaiden è stato un vero e proprio successo tanto che è stato deciso di ripubblicarlo nuovamente sul numero 13 di Margaret di Shueisha.

Ecco che così il 5 giugno sul numero di Margaret verrà riproposto il gaiden di Lady Oscar. E tanto per invogliare anche coloro che avevano già preso la prima edizione, ecco che in questa nuova edizione ci sarà una speciale pagina aggiuntiva tutta a colori, non presente assolutamente sulla versione venduta insieme al numero 10 di Margaret del 20 aprile. Inoltre anche le quattro pagine introduttive saranno rese a colori.

Un’altra differenza fra questa nuova versione del gaiden di Lady Oscar e quello dello scorso mese è che le dimensioni del le tavole del precedente seguivano le dimensioni del bessatsu furroku, ovvero quelle dell’Anniversary Book allegato, mentre adesso saranno presentate in formato B5. Un ulteriore regalo per i lettori riguarda il numero commemorativo di Margaret: per tutti coloro che se lo fossero perso, ecco che se verrà ordinato fra il 2 maggio e il 4 giugno 2013, verrà consegnato senza spese di spedizione aggiunto, ma sarà orfano dell’Anniversary Book che ormai è andato inesorabilmente esaurito.

Ricordiamo che l’Anniversary Book, oltre al gaiden di sedici pagine di Lady Oscar di Riyoko Ikeda, conteneva anche le one shot story di Ryō Azuki, Mimi Tajima, Miyoshi Tōmori e Saro Tekkō, Ayu Fujimiya, Ayaka Takeuchi; inoltre era presente un capitolo bonus per ognuna delle serie Mairu no Vich di Zakuri Sato e Liar Lily di Ayumi Komura; per concludere l’Anniversary Book conteneva anche un prologo di venticinque pagine dedicato alla nuova serie d i Megumi Hazuki dal titolo Ojousama wa Oyomesama, che verrà serializzata su Margaret dal 5 giugno 2013.

Lady Oscar, il gaiden dell'Anniversary Book verrà ripubblicato su Margaret é stato pubblicato su alle 12:00 di domenica 12 maggio 2013. Leggete le condizioni di utilizzo del feed.

Grant Morrison, tra i prossimi progetti spunta Wonder Woman Earth One

Grant Morrison, tra i prossimi progetti spunta Wonder Woman Earth One


Grant Morrison è ancora la punta di diamante della Dc Comics. Vedremo presto se riuscirà a confermare la sua bravura nei prossimi progetti: Wonder Woman Earth One e Multiversity.

Grant Morrison, il mastino della Dc Comics, proporrà la sua magia all’interno di due nuove serie: Wonder Woman Earth One e Multiversity. Su Wonder Woman Earth One sarà accompagnato dall’artista Yanick Paquette che sta lavorando per realizzare un graphic novel da circa 120 pagine in cui verranno raccontate le origini della supereroina Wonder Woman, i n una storia che coinvolgerà personaggi come Diana ed Hyppolita. I primi risultati di questa collaborazione potete vederli nell’immagine che è stata resa pubblica su internet da Yanick Paquette (possiamo immaginare il suo grande entusiasmo!).

Il secondo progetto è Multiversity, un’opera che sarà composta da ben nove numeri. Ogni albo di Multiversity sarà ambientato all’interno di una delle svariate terre del DC Universe. Questa grande serie sarà interessante proprio da un punto di vista artistico, come ha spiegato lo stesso Morrison che ha promesso di mostrarci all’interno di ogni albo un approccio di storytelling differente e non solo, grazie anche alla partecipazione di diversi artisti:

“They all have a different storytelling approach. A different artistic look. Each one’s drawn by a different artist. But each of them combine.”

Lo sceneggiatore scozzese Grant Morrison ha dimostrato svariate volte la sua genialità. La Marvel Comics lo ha voluto per scrivere “la storia” degli X-Men, la Dc Comics l’ha ripreso per affidargli le testate più importanti. Dopotutto c’è chi preferisce il Morrison lontano da questo genere di riflettori, quello che prende in mano personaggi secondari e li rende immortali grazie ad idee rivoluzionarie e soprattutto “libere”. Lo sappiamo bene che le case editrici proteggono i loro supereroi più rappresentativi da eventuali trovate non troppo commerciali. Pertanto, Wonder Woman Earth One e Multiversity sono due potenziali capolavori moderni!

Grant Morrison, tra i prossimi progetti spunta Wonder Woman Earth One é stato pubblicato su alle 12:28 di domenica 12 maggio 2013. Leggete le condizioni di utilizzo del feed.

Panini Comics e 9L, tutti i fumetti che saranno rilasciati nel mese di maggio 2013

Panini Comics e 9L, tutti i fumetti che saranno rilasciati nel mese di maggio 2013


Panini Comics e 9L invaderanno in maniera portentosa le fumetterie di tutta Italia in questo già caldo mese di maggio 2013.

Possiamo indicarvi la lunga lista uscite librarie targate Panini Comics e 9L di questo mese, pubblicazioni che potrebbero rendere felici i lettori di ogni genere fumettistico conosciuto. C’è di tutto tra le proposte della casa editrice modenese che mette sul piatto fumetti fantasy, di fantascienza, d’avventura, pulp ecc…

Il primo titol o presentato - indicato come uno dei fumetti più attesi - è Tale of Sand (per 9L), un meraviglioso e onirico tuffo nell’immaginazione di Jim Henson, il creatore dei Muppets, illustrato da Ramon Perez. Si parla di una storia evocativa e indimenticabile, che non può lasciare affatto indifferenti! Altro fumetto che merita un’attenzione particolare è Gerusalemme: Un ritratto di famiglia di Nick Bertozzi, la storia di come tre generazioni della stessa famiglia ebrea vedono e vivono la nascita di una nazione. L’argomento di base di quest’opera è abbastanza delicato, quindi il graphic novel è destinato a far parlare molto di sé.

Il marchio Panini Comics proporrà Road Rage, l’adattamento a fumetti di un classico del brivido come Duel di Richard Matheson e della sua riscrittura di Stephen King e Joe Hill (rivisitazione in chiave motociclistica). Sarà pubblicato anche Cicatrici, una storia dalle tinte nere, che illustra il viaggio nella follia di un killer e del poliziotto che gli dà la caccia. Cicatrici è stato realizzato dal grande Warren Ellis e da Jacen Burrows, e presenta una introduzione dello scrittore Gianluca Morozzi.

C’è follia anche in Ninjette, il volume dedicato all’omonimo gruppo di improbabili adolescenti-killer conosciuti sulle pagine di Jennifer Blood n.1. Per ritrovare una dose in meno di serietà la casa editrice rilascerà finalmente The Goon volume 7, intitolato quel luogo di pena e tristezza, by Eric Powell. Memorial n.1 è il nuovo lavoro di Chris Roberson che sposta l’attenzione verso territori più sognanti e magici, tra gatti parlanti, ciondoli misteriosi e castelli sospesi.

Chi ama il fantasy puro potrà puntare gli occhi su La spada selvaggia di Conan 9: 1980 (parte I), il proseguim ento della ristampa cronologica delle avventure del barbaro creato da Robert E. Howard e firmate da Roy Thomas e John Buscema. Invece, gli appassionati dei grandi classici come Guerre Stellari potranno saziarsi grazie al volume Star Wars: Eredità 6 - Vettore 2.

In programma per maggio 2013 ci sono anche alcune produzioni europee. C’è L’Unicorno, fascinosa saga dai toni esoterici ambientata nella Parigi del XVI secolo; c’è Servitude 1: Il canto D’Anoroer, con ambientazioni fantastiche e creature leggendarie; c’è Dei e Uomini 1, grande saga che prende il via nel 1929 sulla statunitense Route 66 ed è firmata da Danijel Zezelj a Ivo Milazzo.

Panini Comics e 9L, tutti i fumetti che saranno rilasciati n el mese di maggio 2013 é stato pubblicato su alle 13:34 di domenica 12 maggio 2013. Leggete le condizioni di utilizzo del feed.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fairy Tail Chapter 330: Trying To Be Funny

Wow, this weeks chapter in Fairy Tail was pretty much a disappointment. Obviously nothing much happened, though we finally were introduced to the matchups of these fights which are Laxus vs. Atlas Flame, Cobra vs. Rock Dragon, Wendy vs. Zirconis, Natsu vs. Mothergale, Sting and Rogue are fighting just some dragons.

It was in some way just a gag chapter where there was some attempts to make humor, sure the perfume guy is trying to be funny hitting the dragon with his armpit smell but it's really not what I'd expect. Zirconis I really like in a way as a character, but his magic was a little bit gag-oriented also, which I'm really not a huge fan of. We'll see what's going to happen but this weeks chapter wasn't a good one.

Recap of Fairy Tail Chapter 330: Zirconis' Magic

-Natsu is on Mothergale dragon with Future Rogue, Rogue orders the dragon to spill some of his/her? eggs to the ground spawning some small dragonspawns.

-Laxus attacks Atlas Flame and hits him hard.

-Cobra arrives to save  the guild of Blue Pegasus who were opposing the dragon with rock skin.

-Then there's Zirconis whose magic erases human clothes.

Arguably The Best One Piece Theory: "The Inherited Will"

Nickname "Kukriblades" in mangahelpers forums has in my opinion constructed the best One Piece theory that I've read so far and it sounds so plausible that I'm actually a bit disappointed that I read it: if it stands out to be true, then there's a good chance that the story of One Piece is somewhat spoiled for me. You can find the link from the bottom of this text, but be warned: if I could decide again I would not read it to enjoy One Piece fully with all the revelations to come regarding all the mysteries.

I'm going to keep this text pretty much spoiler free, so I'm not going to give out any details here. Basically the theory explains all this (as nickname "Lord Rayleigh" put it very well):
-What is All Blue and why no one has found it
-Why Ancient weapons exist
-Why there was an apology by Joy Boy (and other stuff regarding Joy Boy)
-Why the fishman island will be destroyed
-Why the manga is called One Piece in the first place.

The theory consists of couple of main parts related to One Piece story:

The hidden pattern of the story
As the title says, there's a "hidden" pattern, which pretty much dictates the past and the current events of the story

Roger's dream
Roger is basically a huge mystery in the world of One Piece. We've been revealed some of his intentions, but the underlying meaning behind his actions are (or should I say were) shrouded.

"Project" One Piece
In this part One Piece and the meaning behind it is explained, I really can't think how it could be otherwise.

"Promised day"
The promised day is pretty much related to the concept of "One Piece" and what the storys final aim basically is.

The theory explains all these in so believable manner that I can't think why the story wouldn't go like this. In some way I actually hope that I wouldn't have read the theory, it was indeed amazing, but in a way I've always loved reading the theories since no one has managed to pull all the strings together so well that it would have no holes and that has made me put more trust in Oda. So in a way I really hope that this theory won't come out to be true, but I'm pretty certain that it will have some or very much similarities to the real upcoming One Piece story. Read the theory here

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Toriko Chapter 232: Toriko Defeated!?

Wow, I think that Toriko took the "award" for the best mainstream manga for this week.

It looks like that Setsunos and Zaus' fight is about to begin and without a doubt it will be interesting. We got some information about some mystery dark chef called Joa, who I believe was implied to being the leader of Neo. This is in my opinion pretty much amazing change of events, since it changes the balance of the series' "protagonist and antagonist group" setup. Previously there has been obviously good guys (IGO) and bad guys (Bishokukai), but now there's the third faction called Neo which without doubt will stir the soup up even more. The story seems to be getting more complex and I'm really loving that.

Then there is the obvious surprise which is Komatsu coming to the scene of Toriko and Starjun and sees that Toriko has been defeated. I'd like to believe that there's obviously something more to that, but in a way I'm happy to see that Toriko wasn't shielded by protagonist armor. There however may be some kind of deception that Toriko didn't get beat after all or something like that. It's very, very interesting choice from the author to not actually show the fight, but I'm sure there's good reason for that. I'd like to see Toriko evolve beyond how he currently is - his fighting style I'm not too fond of, even though it isn't bad at all. It just could be a bit more entertaining, but thankfully this series presents a lot more interesting characters so I'm not too concerned about that.

Recap of Toriko Chapter 232: Wriggling Shadows

-Setsuno has been wounded by 'traitors' sided with neo. Her face looks scary as hell and she frees herself destroying Kuribous hand in process.

-However it was not his hand which got destroyed but gimmick frypan.

-Setsuno starts telling that there are 5 cooking fest champions, Zaus, Yuda, Buranchi and her, but there's actually one more. She's talking about the dark chef Joa, who was banned from the world of cooking.

-Zaus surprisingly attacks Chiyo behind him piercing through her with his sword. He then uses Calorie gui, apparently sucking Chiyo out of energy.

-It seems that face-off between Setsuno and Zaus is about to begin.

-Fighting is going on and we are shown several people doing their stuff.

-Then we see some of Komatsu, who arrives to where Toriko and Starjun are and sees that Toriko has been defeated.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One Piece Chapter 708: Luffy In Trouble

A decent chapter this time, nothing special, but still fine One Piece quality.

It was pretty much expected that there would come a small fight and as expected it ended very short. I was pretty surprised that Don Chinjao was actually so strong and his head not getting pierced by a sword was pretty weird. More weird however was that Cavendish actually attacked Don Chinjao instead of Luffy, but maybe that was because he wanted to take down Luffy himself. Don Chinjao and his family are 'revealed' to have some real goal, if it isn't the Mera Mera fruit then what are they aiming for?

Then there was Crazy Rookie Bartolomeo, who seems to have some unknown, but seemingly cool power. I indeed found it funny him being so carefree and actually peeing outside the arena. It was pretty evident that Fishman Hack was somewhat hyped up during this and the last chapter, but it looks like it was supposed to boost Bartolomeos hype up even higher so to say. I find it very entertaining that the blocks have so many interesting and strong characters of who you can't really say who will win. In this case there are basically three who would be suitable for winning this block and they are Bartolomeo, Bellamy and mysterious gladiator Ricky. At this point I would like for Bartolomeo to win the block, but depending on how gladiator Ricky presents himself in the chapters to come I may have to change may opinion.

Recap of One Piece Chapter 708: Colosseum Of the Thieves

-Luffy has been found out, he still tries to convince that he is Lucy.

-Don Chinjao isn't convinced however and tries to headbutt Luffy breaking the ground.

-They say that Don Chinjao had a bounty of over 500 million when he was at his peak.

-Cavendish unseathes his sword/blade, which is Durandal, one of the world's legendary swords.

-Don Chinjao attacks with Battle head, Cavendish counters with beautiful blade - blue bird.

-Now Luffy attacks him, but it's uneffective. They say that Don Chinjao split an entire arctic continent with only a mere headbutt.

-We see that Don Chinjao's beard has grown for one reason or another. Don Chinjaos grandchildren, Sai and Buu come and stop him.

-Meanwhile the battle royale is on - Abdullah and Jeet have taken down Tank Lepanto.

-Bellamy however takes down both Abdullah and Jeet at the same time.

-We then see Bartolomeo peeing outside the arena - fishman Hack tries to attack him with karate, but his arm gets hurt instead.

Naruto Chapter 629: Edgy Obito

It's good to read some Naruto after a week long break. Nothing special really in this chapter, but I'll write up something.

This chapter when I think about it was a bit better than I first thought.  I'm sure that a lot of fans thought it was very disappointing for Obito to do all these things only because Rin was killed by Kakashi and it's pretty evident that Kishimoto realized this. He obviously wanted to clear this out of the way and what would have been better way to do that than conveniently make Kakashi and Obito go together to another dimension?

Even though Obitos reason for being "evil" got some clarity I still find it a bit lacking how it makes him seem a bit too edgy with all the fakeness of the world but then again, I myself can't think any good reason for evilness in general, so that's for sure one struggle for story authors to figure out.

What actually surprised me was the windhole in chest of Obito, which was a great pull by Kishimoto, it somewhat made the chapter in some weird way. Great way of showing Obitos current state of mind.

Recap of Naruto Chapter 629: Windhole

-There's a full storm going on and apparently a nuke-like huge explosion

-Some or most of the shinobis are all right thanks to Narutos chakra.

-Naruto runs out of power, but then everybody rises up, Hinata says for everyone to join their forces.

-Meanwhile Obito and Kakashi drop down to the other dimension.

-Kakashi starts attacking with Raikiri instantly, however he stops just before hitting Obito.

-Kakashi starts talking how Obito used to remind him of Naruto a lot.

-Obito clears the though out of the way that he in fact didn't start the war because of Rin.

-It's revealed that Rin herself to die by the hand of Kakashi since she was maid into the Jinchuuriki of the Sanbi.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Nantsu No Taizai Chapters 16-27: Series is Progressing Very Well

It's been a while since I've written recaps of Nanatsu no Taizai even though it would somewhat deserve them. So I decided to try something new this time: recap / comment 11 chapters in the same post!

It's great that Nanatsu no Taizai doesn't reveal too much. In chapter 16 there was the miraculous healing of the doctor who was stabbed pretty much straight through the heart. I like it how he's left to himself to speculate why it happened and the sins including Meliodas kept quiet. I'm pretty sure that they should know about it, but decided to leave it as a mystery. Soon we are also seeing something which brings us closer to the bigger picture of the series, straight quote: "When the skies are fillied with crossing shooting stars, Britannia will be visited by an immense menace. It is an omen of the beginning of a trial of ancient origins. A holy war between the guiding hand of light and the bloodline of darkness". (Chapter 16, page 19) Interesting, I must say.

As we moved forward to the arc of the Capital of the Dead, at this point I felt a bit bored for a while with series. Just a moment before the arc of the capital of the dead we were however shown the true essence of Meliodas' broken snake sword, which essentially looked like a huge spirit snake/dragon, I wonder what that is if it isn't his sacred treasure, which he apparently sold?

As I already said, the capital of the dead arc was a slight disappointed until King was finally showing his stuff to the readers. That part I really liked and no wonder, his spirit spear Chastiefol and his various abilities with it were visually very impressive. I really ended up liking King as a character also.

In the chapter 27 King explains to us that the sins as they were formed by King of Leoneth were given Sacred treasures, weapons which apparently boost their strength hugely. I really liked this revelation since it pretty much gives something to look forward to and gives some continuity for the story. We still have yet to see three more sins, who without a doubt will be pretty interesting as the sins until this point have all been very unique characters with very likeable personalities. We don't know how many sacred treasures are still lost, but we will be having some more journeys concering the three which were stolen, sold or lost by Meliodas, Ban and Diane. It's a great move from the author to reveal the story and the background bit by bit, but not too much and at the same time make the readers wait for more along with the revelations.

I find it extremely pleasing that the story has managed to kept it's extremely swift pacing: there's nothing better than a good story with good characters (though with only decent art) that progresses so swiftly that there's not many chances if not any for boredom. Though I have to admit that the Capital of the Dead didn't live up to my expectations, but it ended up being pretty good with Kings showdown, which was pretty much amazing.

Recap of Nanatsu No Taizai Chapters 16-27:

Chapter 16

-Baste Dungeon has just been destroyed.

-The previously stabbed doctor is surprisingly alright and his wound closed itself. The same thing happened with Meliodas' wound.

-Fox's sin of greed, Ban is formally introduced at this point. He's wearing some badass leather outfit.

-The sins + princess + the doctor have a party.

Chapter 17

 -Our heroes are looking at a map and planning which way they should go. They travel in the hut which is on a huge pig.

-They encounter couple of knights who present themselves as the holy knights of the kingdom. They almost let the sins pass until Diane accidentally reveals their identities.

-Then something appears that moves quickly and eats the knights, it's a black hound. Ban tries to intimidate it, but the black hound grows in size instead.

-Captain Meliodas drops down and grabs his broken sword which shows to the black hound as a huge dragon / snake-like thing. It's obvious that it doesn't show to the other people around them. The hound retreats.

-Their destination is the capital of the dead, they'll look for King there.

-Then King is introduced as a floating, young looking kid who's talking to Gilthunder It's revealed that the black hound is something like a pet to King.

Chapter 18

-The three of the sins finally arrive to the village which is called "Capital of the dead"

-Ban goes to look for information and sees a kid at a rundown place.

-Elizabeth starts asking Meliodas what kind of person King is. Meliodas tells a great story about Ban, King and stuffed animals.

-Ban encounters another kid who stabs him, understandably it doesn't really concern Ban much. They tell how Holy Knights messed with them too.

-Suddenly Ban sees King in front of him and coughs blood. King stabbed him with a huge spear and says hello Ban. Ban however doesn't recognize King in his child form.

Chapter 19

-King makes a huge hole to Ban's chest with his spear. The hole gets rejuvenated quickly and King tells us Ban's nickname: Ban the undead.

-King tells us about Ban's sin of greed, which he satisfied as the price for immortality. Ban killed the saint of the fountain of youth.

-King and Ban fight, King seems pretty powerful with his spear as he can float himself as move his spear in the air with his will alone.

-We see that Ban does something, but we don't get to see what because Meliodas interrupts him.

-The other sins are happy to see King, but King decides to just flee.

-The sins want to go to the capital of the dead and are revealed that that's where King also wants to go.

Chapter 20

-The kids tell the sins a tale how they could go to the capital of the dead.

-We see King in the forest, he seems to have some kind of grudge with Ban.

-The sins manage to get to the capital of the dead, which looks like a world made of crystal pillars.

-Ban starts chasing something, King follows him.

-Back at the village the kids are amazed as the sins disappeared, then some woman knight comes before them..

Chapter 21

-The woman is revealed to be a Holy Knight, who grabs the kids and forcefully orders them to reveal the way to get to the capital of the dead.

-Ban and King have a small miniature fight and they talk about the past.

-King shows us a flashback about his hometown and how a certain bandit was after the hidden treasure the town was guarding. The bandit stole from the "fountain of youth" a cup of water that gave life and never ran dry. The bandit killed the guardian saint of the fountain and the saint happened to Elaine, Kings sister.

-Kind says that his sacred treasure has many forms, he presents one of its forms, spirit spear chastiefol form three and stabs Ban with it. It seems Ban as he can't die, starts to just petrify.

-Meanwhile the holy knight hits herself in the chest, taking a shortcut to the capital of the dead, essentially killing herself.

Chapter 22

-The sins and the holy knight start fighting, Hawk flees along with Elizabeth.

-Holy Knight tells us something about Dianes ability which is exclusive to the members of the giants clan, which is the ability to bend iron like it's made of toffee and raise the ground up like towers.

-Diane can turn minerals into sand, which manifests as an ability "Sand Whirl". She however gets out of it quickly

-Meliodas fights with her bare handed, not using his sword. He is then about to grab his sword when the Knight attacks and the Knights explosion hits herself. We are revealed that Meliodas' ability is "Full counter".

-Meanwhile, Ban gets fully petrified

Chapter 23

-King is about to leave when he realizes that Elaine is near them. He sees that Elaine kisses Ban and the petrification is released. Elaine doesn't let King see her, as she's still mad to him for leaving them in the past.

-It seems that King had somewhat misunderstood the situation with Ban and his sister.

-The fight continues with the sins and the Holy Knight whose power is "Explosion". Ban appears and stops her with his unknown power.

Chapter 24

-Bans power is "Snatch", his powers aren't well-known to the kingdom, but it seems he's able to somehow telepathically grab things. The knight attacks him with Drift bomb.

-The three sins are having a bit of a trouble with the knight. Meanwhile King and Elaine are talking and she tells him that he fought seven hundred years of loneliness because King left the country. It seems that Ban killed Elaine pretty much because she wanted so.

-As the sins are having a little bit of trouble with the knight, King finally joins the battle.

Chapter 25

-King, Grizzly's sin of sloth has joined the battle.

-We are seen the legendary spirit spear, Chastifol in action. It's said to be a holy weapon crafted from the sacred tree only found in the fairy realm.

-King's power is revealed to be "Disaster"

-It's one on one and the Holy Knight is having some serious trouble with Chastifol chasing her.

-Holy Knight starts to load "Brilliant detonation", which seems to generate a huge explosions.

-King uses spirit spear Chastiefol's form five, "increase", which multiplies the quantity of the spears by ten or hundred-fold.

-King is formally introduced as Fairy King Harlequin, The King of Fairies as he destroys the holy knight.

Chapter 26

-The Holy Knight Geera is "defeated" and the sins start to return to the world of the living.

-King introduces himself to Princess Elizabeth with his old form.

-At the same time we see Geera tied to a tree, Lord Helbram is front of her saying that she failed.

-King is saying that the sins should have been a lot powerful that they were fighting the Holy Knight Geera. he asks them what happened to their Sacred Treasures. Bans was stolen, Meliodas sold his and Diane lost hers.

Chapter 27

-King is surprised that the sacred treasured entrusted by King of Leoneth when the seven deadly sins were formed were lost.

-King explains how powerful the sins should be with their weapons by using the lake as a parable.

-They then talk about what's going on with the kingdom and the holy knights, Geera is also revealed to being "the new generation" of holy knights

-They arrive to new town and see that there's new wanted poster of princess Elizabeth. Understandably they get soon recognized.

-New holy knight is introduced, Griamor, who's essentially a huge man on a huge horse. He's about to kill civilians for "false" report, but Elizabeth runs to stop him before that.

-Griamor grabs Elizabeth, but gets interrupted by Elizabeth's sister Veronica.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

One Piece 708 Spoiler and Summary

No One Piece chapter 708 was really a pain to most of the fans including me, everyday we keep looking for the source of One Piece 708 Spoiler. As soon as we get the latest One Piece 708 Spoiler, then we will post it here immediately. But if any of you got the One Piece 708 Spoiler early, please share to us here by posting it on the comments area (texts and links are ok).

Meanwhile lets talk about what will happen in the One Piece 708 Spoiler, with the appearance of “The Fighting King” Elizabello things become more complicated. More and more famous people being introduced, I feel like the whole One Piece story line style has changed dramatically after the 2 years of time skip. Before this it was all about of their journey to recruit new member, I wonder what are happening next. I don't like this so called king who only can use one punch, I want him to lose in One Piece 708 Spoiler. His objective to win and fighting style have nothing to respect.

The Corrida Coliseum is taking too much of time, it will take a very long time to finish this arc. The situation will only get worst if Luffy won the battle there, but that's how One Piece operate being complicated in a way that everyone can understand easily, The block B should finish in One Piece 708 Spoiler, I support Bellamy to be the winner in One Piece 708 Spoiler.

The Block B preliminary reminds me of White Beard crew, full of big and strong people and many of them really look like a beast. The new world is a real story where only the strongest live, the weak people can live only under the protection of strong forces. If One Piece 708 Spoiler get out early, the first think I want to check Hyakudanhack the Fishman. He is Jimbe friend but what is he doing in the arena, what is his purpose to fight there alone. I hope I can get the explaination in One Piece 708 Spoiler.

Previously we had seen long hand tribe, and now Blue Gilly appear from long legged tribe. What else we can see in One Piece 708 Spoiler, too much information in just one arc hahaha. One Piece 708 Spoiler become more and more wanted, some One piece maybe in dying mood waiting for  One Piece 708 Spoiler to release. It's all because of  One Piece 708 Spoiler popularity among us, who get the information will be the first fan to be happy.

I almost forget about Straw Hat Luffy, I wonder what will happen since his identity was exposed by the one big guy. He was claiming that he had a fierce battle with Garp (Luffy grandpa) in the past. Is he an ally or an enemy in One Piece 708 Spoiler, I want him to be an ally to Straw Hat at least until this arc finish. I can tell his power is on par with the admiral, what kind of fight in One Piece 708 Spoiler with these kind of all strong people? It makes me cannot wait for One Piece 708 Spoiler to get release..